About Me

It's time to change the way you show up for yourself.

I’m Ramaya, your expert and therapist for anxiety and depression.  I’m a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) providing therapy based in Edgewater, Jersey City, and surrounding New Jersey areas.

 *only accepting clients residing in NJ.

Does this sound like you?

You may be feeling



-unsure about yourself &

-dreadful about upcoming changes in your life.

You want to be able to become more present in your day to day moments, feel safe and confident in who you are, and give your needs importance. You weren’t given a handbook with life that teaches you how to navigate thoughts/emotions and all the changes life can throw at us. We can work on this together and help you create the handbook on you - to help you restore balance, connect with yourself, and achieve peace.

 You need space to put down the heavy weight you have been carrying.

 I am so glad that you have come this far!

I work with professional adults who are going through life transitions. This may be something as small as changing the time you wake up, or implementing more water in your routine to something big, like a new diagnosis of chronic illness,a beginning or ending of marriage or starting a new job. 

Oftentimes, my clients tell me they have been managing their emotions on their own thus far and have come to a point where that’s no longer working. Normally they are referred to as resilient and they are able to power through everything – even their emotions. Powering through everything can become exhausting and taxing on your mind and body.

You are at a place where you’re carrying a heavy load trying to manage your responsibilities, but have a lowered tolerance to handle things, you feel stuck or overwhelmed more often than not, and the future seems bleak.
Since you’re already juggling one too many things, the benefit of virtual services is that it can be very convenient and work around your schedule without it being another place you need to get to.

You can have a place where you can express all that is going on in your mind and body in a nonjudgmental and supportive atmosphere. We will dive into 

  • the core elements of who you are (nature), 

  • the experiences you have been through (nurture) &

  • how that shapes your worldviews. 

By exploring this together, we can focus on how to help you be more in the present which will improve your quality of life. I don’t want to help you bandage the issue, but to get to the root and core of it. We will work with your strengths as a tool in your healing.

Empowering you to take control of what things work for you. While, sometimes it may be uncomfortable to speak on certain things, I will meet you where you are and walk with you through it to consider all the possible avenues for your healing. I offer tailor made treatment for your needs.

You can feel better, think more clearly, and move forward with focus and attention.

I knew I wanted to be a therapist at a very young age. People always asked me how did you know that so early? It’s because I wanted to be that hope and help for people that I needed and received. I also found it difficult to find a therapist who is is Pakistani and had a personal understanding of cultural expectations.

I experienced first hand and continue to experience the benefits of therapy.  So I became an expert, I decided to get certified in anxiety treatment and I am a mindfulness informed professional. Not only do you get someone who is trained but also has first hand experience dealing with some of the same things you might be dealing with!

I love working with every and all cultures, I specifically have personal knowledge of the Muslim/Pakistani community.


  • Self Healing is Self Empowerment

    You are the expert on you. There is no right way to heal. I am here to help you find a plan that fits your needs and meets your goals.

  • Authenticity

    I believe every person has the desire to fulfill their potential and become the best versions of themselves. I join you on this journey and create a space where authenticity can be achieved.

  • Growth

    Committed to my own education and growth so I can continue to support you in yours.


  • Psychodynamic Informed CBT

    We have to be able to understand where we come from and our history in order to make changes.

  • Holistic Healing

    Understanding our full selves includes encompassing all the aspects of ourselves including our mind, body, and soul.

  • Client Centered

    Every person is unique and offers unique strengths, therefore, their view of their own world and ability to manage it should be trusted.

  • Mindfulness/ Meditation

    I integrate mindfulness or meditation techniques through breathwork, visualizations, body scans, and journaling to help connect to your spiritual and physical body which have an impact on the mind.

What does “The Therapy Point” mean?

I refer to the therapy point as a place where you reach once you have accepted to become an active participant in your growth.

This is the point in your life where you are ready to make changes that will benefit you in all aspects of your life and help you better align with who you are at the core and become confident with that, which will lead you to living a truly authentic life.

Let’s chat!